Your Team

We are the people who make Trinity Pension Group truly different. With a combined total of more than 400+ years’ experience in the retirement plan field, we’re professionals who either have the answers or know where to find them. We’d like to offer you a little bit of extraordinary.

“You are always there with answers and have found ways to simplify things for us.”

Leadership Team


Monica D. Brame

Senior Director of Business Development


As Senior Director of Business Development, Monica concentrates her marketing efforts by networking and conducting joint meetings with attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, investment recordkeepers, and payroll companies. Her primary focus at Trinity is plan design and consulting.

Tracie Hill

Associate Director of Business Development

As Associate Director of Business Development, Tracie concentrates her marketing efforts by networking and conducting joint meetings with financial advisors, investment recordkeepers, CPA’s and payroll companies. Her primary focus at Trinity is sales, plan design and consulting.


Associate Director of Compliance Operations

Stacey Edwards QPA, QKC, QKA

Duane Williams QPA, QKC, QKA

Senior Plan Consultants

Melissa Brady QPA, QKC, QKA

Wendy Dixon QPA, QKC, QKA

Janice Fluke QPA, QKC, QKA

Nanette Hutchison QKA

Angela Shanks QPA, QKC, QKA

Plan Consultants

Monnie Biscoe

Meredith Marsack Ehn

Heather Lowe

Jon Petty

Patty Ragan QKA

Angela M. Seger

Onboarding Consultants

Tracie Hill

Consultant Support

Anita Coggin

Tatum Dixon

Marijane Fix

Susan Stack

Melissa Wagoner

When you partner with Trinity, you’ll have a one-on-one relationship with a consultant who will offer you quick solutions, reliable answers, and proactive planning. We think you’re going to enjoy getting to know us.